The Purpose of Pro-Form Physiotherapy

This one has a cute history.

Aldrin Ocsing (aka ‘Buzz’) is the Founder of Pro-Form Physiotherapy, a physiotherapy centre in Sydney who believes that every individual deserves to live a pain-free and active life. They’ve been operating for over a decade.

Now to insert the cute history part, Buzz and I actually went to high school together and graduated in 2007.

Here’s some proof:

Man, thank you Buzz for dancing with me despite that hair. And here we are today…

So earlier this year, he called me one day and said: ‘Yo, what are you up to these days? Can you help me?’

So after a talk, we did a few things together for Pro-Form:

  1. Created their brand strategy

  2. Created their guiding content pillars, and

  3. Created some content around their people

Buzz was struggling to simplify his brand and get clarity around its purpose. Being so heavily immersed in the company as the Founder, sometimes simply communicating your why, what and how can be difficult.

When I initially asked Buzz to describe the core problem he was trying to solve, he said:

‘We solve the unsolvable problems. We have people come to us who have gone everywhere and to everyone. But no one has been able to help. Until they meet us. People come to us because they are literally in pain, and it’s stopping them from doing things that they love. Sometimes it’s not just physical, it can be emotional and frustrating.’

Here’s what we did. Scroll to whichever section you fancy reading about.

Part 1: The problem

We started right at the beginning. What problem is Pro-Form trying to solve? Asking this question brings you right back to the roots of why you exist.

So, where did we land?

The problem:

People are in pain. They struggle to move pain-free, live pain free, and do the things they love pain-free. They struggle to find the right people, and the right care. They struggle physically, and emotionally. We exist to provide the ultimate healing experience. You don't have to rebuild alone.

Part 2: The big idea

After addressing the problem, we worked through how this contributes to the bigger picture:

The big idea:

Most people default to living with pain or injury because the path to recovery seems complex and unclear. At Pro-Form, we have a proven treatment framework that is tailored to you and delivers results that last, so that you can conquer your day-to-day, pain-free.

Part 3: Purpose, vision & mission

Once we had clarity over this, I was able to clearly articulate their brand purpose, vision & mission.

Before defining these, it’s important to understand what each of these words means, and how they differ from each other.

Your brand purpose keeps you focused on why you exist. Your brand vision aligns with your goal. It's ambitious. And your brand mission empowers how you will accomplish it.

Brand purpose:

We exist to restore the lives of individuals so they can live (pain) free.

Brand vision:

To build a world of people that heal better, perform better and live for moments that matter.

Brand mission:

To nurture the human body and make all possible.

Part 4: Brand values

Most people don’t realise the importance of brand values. These set up the foundations of your brand, and influence everything you do.

They are especially great when motivating your team and getting them across what you stand for. There is nothing better than alignment.

And, they should inspire!

Care Factor 100:

We promise to work compassionately. What is important to you, is important to us.

Power To The People:

We promise to provide professional-level physio for the everyday person. No body too young, no body too old.

Pursuit of Possible:

We promise to give an experience that allows people to heal better, perform better and live for moments that matter.

Relentless Drive:

We promise to be tenacious. We will question, investigate, seek, and conquer.

A New Era:

We promise to constantly pursue greatness. In our team, in our patients and in our innovation.

Part 5: Content pillars

Content Pillars are derived and built upon brand values. What will be posted to remain true to your brand and deliver the most valuable, authentic content?

Important to note: You are not bound by your content pillars. They should act as a guide.

From here, I defined:


Content centred around the patient stories of Pro-Form. Real tangibility around who they have helped: The problem, the solution, the outcome. All age groups, all abilities, all goals. Documented after recovery, or during.

What you want people to think:

  • ‘This is inspirational sh*t.’

  • ‘They will understand my problems.’

  • ‘They will help me recover.’

  • ‘I like how they think.’

  • ‘They know their sh*t.’

Trail Blazers

Content centred around the physios of Pro-Form. Authentic stories about staff. A mix of their personal story/journey (relevant or irrelevant to physio), how they found Pro-Form, and what they get to do every day. Stories can be completely about them or intertwined with their life at Pro-Form.

What you want people to think:

  • ‘He seems similar to me, I’d like to work with him.’

  • ‘That’s a cool story…’

  • ‘I had no idea she did that!’

  • ‘Pro-Form has a cool lineup of people.’

  • ‘It feels like family for them, rather than a job.’

White Belt

Content centred around the Pro-Form staff and their relentless drive to always learn more. It’s content delivered authentically, where they share some learnings/insights, talk openly and give perspective. A great opportunity to tap into the minds of existing and future patients about the options that can be accessible to them.

What you want them to think:

  • ‘I like how they aren’t dissing that development.’

  • ‘Oh, that’s an interesting angle.’

  • ‘I wonder if that could help me?’

  • ‘That’s pretty insightful.’

  • ‘I didn’t know physio could be this interesting.’

  • ‘I actually understand what they are talking about.’


My favourite pillar, which should always be a thing.

Breathing space that allows for the 80/20 rule. Keep 80% of your content planned, following the pillars. But allocating 20% of flexibility for a bit of spontaneous, reactive and contextual content (sometimes the unplanned things can be the highest performers).

This can include (and not limited to):

  • Any updates to services / or new key services

  • Awards / special events

  • Milestones

  • Office humour / banter

  • Trending content

  • Calendar events

  • Relatable situations / Funny things that happen in the clinics or with patients

What you want people to think:

  • ‘I love their story, I want to work with them.’

  • ‘Haha, that was good.’

  • ‘Oh, I had no idea they offered that.’

  • ‘Definitely reposting this.’

Helpful tip: Mix it up between your call-to-actions when you post your content. And where possible and relevant, create two-way engagement with your audience.

Part 6: Making magic

This brings us to the final stage, creating some good, genuine & wholesome content.

For our first shoot day together, we focused on the ‘Trail Blazers’ pillar and documented the stories of two staff: Andy & Aleea.

There is no best practice for a good story. Sometimes, content should be short and sharp, and other times, it calls for a longer piece.

So where possible when shooting, try to consider the longevity of the content and ensure the purpose is clear.

So for these Trail Blazer videos specifically, the experience was:

  1. People see the trailer video on social (cut-down version)

  2. Directing traffic to the individual physio page

  3. To watch the long-form video on the page

  4. With the outcome that a prospective patient feels aligned with the physio, and wants to start working with them

Have a watch here:

What did the client say?

‘Working with Alessia has been the best experience. We've been to so many brand strategists and I can't tell you how difficult it is to find the right person who just gets it. But we found Alessia and from the very first meeting, she was able to take this complicated brain of mine and package it into a simple yet powerful message.

We love her energy and her ideas really help us stand out nicely in a noisy crowd! Matched with incredible attention to detail, you'd be silly not to work with her. As a company that values quality, Alessia and her team have gone well and truly beyond our expectations.’

- Aldrin Ocsing aka ‘Buzz’, Founder

What is important to take away?

  1. Never underestimate the groundwork of building your brand!

  2. Once it’s defined, it will give you a sense of purpose (as well as inspiration, motivation, clarity & alignment)

  3. Everyone will see the dream and be positively impacted (your team, partners, sponsors, prospects and of course your customers)

  4. Your content pillars should act as a guide, you are not bound by them!

  5. Your people are one of the greatest assets you’ll have

Interested in defining your brand and/or creating some good content? Reach out, let’s see where you’re at.


Brand: Pro-Form Physiotherapy

Brand Strategy, Content Strategy & Creative Direction: Alessia Murer

Videographer & Editor: Chris Ramirez


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